A little about me…

A soon to be 18 year old aspiring to find the perfect career for me in the media industry. I currently go to a college in West Lothian where I will be studying the different aspects of media for the next year. I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing what this year brings and will be sharing some experiences and opinions on this blog for all to read.

What I did today-

I interviewed the head of the business and creative department in our college who has previously worked for the TV industry. Our interview lasted around 12 minutes. After the interview, I listened to it a few more times and completed a transcript. I then continued writing more for section 3 on my report. When I had completed my report- the word count was over the maximum of words that could be used. I took information out that was not relevant and proof read my report. I then checked my references over and put them into alphabetical order at the bottom of my report.

What I did today-

Last night on the 02/03/2016 I started writing my report up. I have gotten to the end of section two. I just wrote a little for each section and included some research in them just to get me started. I plan on building and completing the rest of the report by tonight and make sure all my citations and references are correct.

What I did today-

I researched more about the transferable skills and the interaction amongst sectors within the creative industry. I felt like I found enough effective information to include in my report. I also emailed another person with experience in my preferred sector and asked if I would be able to conduct an interview with them at some point tomorrow. Another thing I done today was make a list of questions to ask at the interview.

What I did today-

For my research today, I researched a little more on the cultural importance of the creative industries. I done this by watching more clips of the BBC documentary, ‘Let Us Entertain You’, presented by Dominic Sandbrook. I also researched the transferable skills including hard and soft skills employed throughout the creative industry. I found effective information but I do not feel like the information I found covered everything I would like to mention in my report. I will continue to research in this area until I feel the research that is found is satisfactory.

What I did today-

Today I researched the cultural importance of the Creative Industries. I failed to find any research that I was looking for last time (such as how the creative industries changed Britain as a society) so I watched a clip of the BBC documentary we looked at in class a few weeks back. I found a lot of information and referenced it. I am still to find more information in this section of research, so I will watch another clip from the documentary in order to gather more information on the cultural importance of the creative industries.

What I did today-

Today I set myself the aim to find some research on the cultural importance of the UK creative industries. I typed many different things into Google but I was still unsuccessful in finding any effective information. I am going to watch the BBC documentary that we were shown in class and maybe paraphrase some information from it. To make sure I got something down today, I listed the 9 different sectors in the UK creative industries.

What I did today –

Today, I researched for information on the history, development and also the economic value of the creative industries. I wanted to find information on when the creative industries started and how- but I didn’t manage to find that information. I also wanted to find out about jobs statistics in the UK creative industries, which I did. I also found out a lot of statistics about export rates. I am still to find out some more information on the history, development and also the economic value of the creative industries. Today I also composed and sent away an email to someone from Sky Academy in Livingston, requesting for a few of us to conduct a group interview. I sent the email today and I am waiting on a reply.

What I did today-

For our research project in Research skills, I am researching about the Creative Industries. Last night on the 24/02/16, I created a survey asking what sector of the CI you would be most interested in working for. I sent the survey to the people in my class, my friends, colleagues and some of my family. My sampling frame was opportunity sampling as I sent my survey to the people in my class, my friends, colleagues and some of my family for them to fill out.  I currently have 21 responses but I am hoping to get a lot more.

I also found out the definition of ‘The Creative Industries’ online and referenced it as –

What are Creative Industries and Creative Economy, (no date) Creative cities [online] Available from: http://creativecities.britishcouncil.org/creative-industries/what_are_creative_industries_and_creative_economy [accessed 24 Feb 2016]



Basecamp Report…

So, in our Digital Culture: Online Communication class a few weeks ago, we all went into groups to create a Website. As a challenge, our group could only communicate through Basecamp to organise what sections of the website we would contribute to, schedule times we would each work on a certain part of our website, etc.

Today, my group and I, contributed to making a report on how well the project went and how effective Basecamp was as a platform of communication.

Please give our report a read as it is full of useful information which will possibly help you consider whether Basecamp is the right platform for YOU to use!

The link is down below.


Social Media- The 4 rules of using Instagram for professional purposes.

Businesses can use social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, to promote their products and gain more popularity. They can also find out what interests their customers have so they can alter their products to their customers liking. The lists goes on for how beneficial social media websites are for businesses. So here are 4 rules for effective use of Instagram for professional purposes-

#1- Profile Picture

Your businesses Instagram profile photo should be your company’s logo. Having it match your other profile photos will also help with discoverability, since followers/customers on Twitter or Facebook will instantly recognize your brand.

#2- Branding

Instagram is all about the visuals, so businesses need to set out to build a cohesive, recognizable brand identity. Businesses on Instagram should aim to theme their photos with the same familiar and branded look and feel. The point in this is to give your followers/customers the opportunity to easily recognize your content and distinguish your posts from other competitors on the platform.

#3- Personality

Instagram is supposed to be social. It’s an opportunity for “cold” brands to warm up to consumers and show off some of their personality, while personalizing their brand, therefore- creating some sort of bond with their followers/customers.

#4- Follow People

Lastly, to kick off your business’ Instagram presence, you’ll need to follow a bunch of users. Find influencers in your industry, clients and engaging users and follow them.